UFO Landing Near Kirtland Air Force Base: Welcome to the Cosmic Watergate
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Note 2000: This article was written in 1985, several
years before the initial MJ-12 documents (Eisenhower
Briefing Document, Aquarius Document, etc.) became
public knowledge and many years before
the controversy over Richard Doty's activities.
At the time, I was not interested in the Paul Bennewitz
aspect of the Kirtland UFO activity. I was only interested
in the report of actual sightings of unidentified objects
at or near Kirtland Air Force Base. Hence the Bennewitz
controversy (and Bill Moore's activities related to
Bennewitz, activities not revealed until the late 1980's)
are only discussed briefly.
This paper has been available from the Fund for
UFO Research since 1985.
The morning of August 9, 1980, was only about 20 minutes old
when a security guard spotted a "round disc shaped object" with a
very bright light which had landed in a restricted test area east
of Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Subsequently
the object ascended rapidly into the air. Both the descent and the
ascension were witnessed by a group of guards about five miles away
at the time. A report of the landing, prepared by agent Richard Doty
of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Kirtland,
became public in the spring of 1983, apparently as a result of a
"leak" which was followed by a Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
(FOIPA) request by a UFO investigator (Barry Greenwood). In the spring
of 1984, I contacted Doty to find out if he had more information than
was contained in the 1 1/2 pages which had been released. I was not
surprised to hear him tell me that he had interviewed the witnesses,
gone to the landing site. and had written a larger report. I was not
surprised because I found it difficult to believe that the Air Force
would overlook something as important as a landing of SOMETHING inside
a restricted (nuclear) storage area. He also said that there was more
that he couldn't tell me. He further suggested that I write to
Headquarters (HQ/AFOSI) to obtain all releasable information. I
therefore wrote to HQ/AFOSI and requested the follow-on document
under the FOIPA. The Chief of the Information Release Division,
Noah Lawrence, denied that there was another document because there
was none on file at HQ/AFOSI. Subsequently, because of my insistence,
he called Doty on the phone and Doty (evidently) told him there was
no such document. I then had a long conversation with Lawrence and he
admitted that there was a "discrepancy" between what Doty told me and
what he told Lawrence. Lawrence then asked that Doty be interviewed
by his commanding officer (Lawrence did not interview Doty himself).
The commanding officer (evidently) reported back to Lawrence that
Doty denied the existence of another document. According to Lawrence,
without a specific name or a file location of this report continued
requests are futile.
Unbeknownst to me, investigator Bill Moore had independently
researched the case in 1982. After I had completed my investigation
I told him what I had learned and he informed me of his investigation.
The results of his investigation, which are included in a summary
written by Moore and presented at the end of my paper, agree with my
results, adding further evidence to my suspicion of a cover-up.
This report summarizes what is now known about the incident and
my attempts to find a doorway into the "Cosmic Watergate" which
prevents the public from knowing the truth about the involvement
of military intelligence agencies with the UFO problem.
NOTE 2000:
This paper was written in 1985. There has been no indication
that the documents cited in this report are bogus. Instead,
all investigation indicates that the event did happen. The events
cited here are indirectly related to the Bennewitz affair and to the
initial MJ-12 document (that refers to "Project Aquarius.")
The document cited here was part of the initial connection
between Bill Moore and his "inside contacts" that later led to
the Eisenhower Briefing Document and other MJ-12 documents, the
provenance of which is uncertain. Perhaps the leaking of this
document to Moore was intended to establish the credibility of
the leaker who would then provide further documents for whatever
reason (unauthorized release of real documents or authorized
release of disinforming documents?
Part 1: The Sightings
I begin the history of the Kirtland sightings with a list of the
original sources for information (all dates are 1984 except, for
Source A)
The Kirtland Landing Document dated Sept., 9, 1980; released by HQ/AFOSI, Spring, 1983
Interview with Doty at his office, Feb. 15,1984
Telephone conversation with Doty, morning,Feb. 17
Interview with Russ Curtis, Sandia Security, about noon, -Feb. 17
Discussion with Doty at his office, afternoon, Feb. 17
Telephone conversation with Doty, April 26
The Kirtland Landing Document (page 1)
The Kirtland Landing Document (page 2)
The sighting events, which occurred long before my involvement,
can be reconstructed from information provided in Source A and from
sources C and F. According to Source (A), Major Ernest Edwards of
Central Security Control, Manzano Weapons Storage Area, reported the
following information to Richard Doty at the AFOSI office at Kirtland,
AFB, Albuquerque, N.M. A map is below.
(The main sighting) At about 10 minutes before midnight, Friday
evening, August 9, 1980, three security policemen who were on duty at
the Manzano Weapons storage area saw a "very bright light in the sky
approximately 3 miles north-northeast of their position" (A) which was
on the east side (A,C) of the Manzano storage area. (The storage area
consists of a number of tunnels dug into three mountains that are
just east of Kirtland AFB. The area is surrounded by a doubly fenced
security perimeter. Nuclear devices are stored in the tunnels.)
NOTE 2000: Sometime in the 1990's the Manzano Weapons Storage
Area was been dismantled and the security fence was removed.
The light travelled southward at a "great speed and stopped suddenly
in the sky over Coyote Canyon." The guards at first thought they were
looking at a helicopter but "after observing the strange maneuvers
(stop and go), they felt that a helicopter couldn't have performed
such skills" (A). The light evidently descended behind distant
mountains because the guards reported that "the light landed in the
Coyote Canyon Area", although they apparently could not actually see
where it had landed (A,C. A topographical map of the Coyote Canyon
area shows that the canyon runs in an east-northeasterly direction
from an area South of the Manzano storage area, and lies generally
east of the storage area. It shows several structures - buildings -
scattered throughout the canyon.) The three guards contacted Central
Security Control (CSC) inside Manzano and CSC then contacted "Sandia
Security, who conducts frequent building checks on two alarmed
structures in the area." Sandia Security "advised that a patrol was
already in the area and would investigate" (A). The scene now shifts
about 3 miles east of the Manzano Storage Area (C,F) to the "furthest
bunker on the left" (C) of an access road running along Coyote Canyon.
A guard "who wishes his name not be divulged for fear of harassment"
(A) was driving east on the road as part of a routine security check
of the "alarmed structure (the bunker mentioned above) at
approximately 20 minutes past midnight, i.e., during the early
morning of Saturday, August 9, about 1/2 an hour after the sighting
by the three Manzano guards described above. "As he approached the
structure he observed a bright light near the ground behind the
structure" (A). (It is interesting to note the phraseology
used here, "near the ground," implying that the light was at
some distance above the ground.) "He also observed an object
he first thought was a helicopter. But after driving closer,
he observed a round, disc shaped object.
He attempted to radio for a back up patrol but his radio would not
work. As he approached the object on foot armed with a shotgun, the
object took off in a vertical direction at a high rate of speed.
The guard was a former helicopter mechanic in the U.S. Army and
stated that the object he observed was not a helicopter" (A).
Returning to the three guards at Manzano, at an unstated time
after they saw the bright light descend behind the hills east of
them, they saw it "take off and leave proceeding straight up at a
high speed and disappear" (A).
The preceding history of the landing of a "round, disk shaped
object" at Kirtland on August 8-9 constitutes the total amount of
information available to civilian UFO researchers. The lack of detail
is frustrating. One can easily ask a number of questions related to
the events reported by the Sandia Guard. In particular, did the radio
work before he approached the object in his vehicle? (One would
assume so since he was probably no more than seven miles from his home
station.) Did the radio work after the the vehicle had departed? How
close did he get to the Object? (Since the bunker, according to a
topographical map, is about 400 feet from the road, it is possible
that he was within 500 feet of it.) How large was the "round disk
shaped object?" Could he see any details of the structure? How high
was the bright light above the ground and was it a part of the
object or was it attached to another object? Were there any traces
left on the ground at the landing site (depressions, burns). Were
there any effects on devices stored in the bunker?
Source A briefly mentions three other landings. The first landing
was reported by "another (Sandia) security guard (who) observed a
(sic) object land near an alarmed structure sometime during the first
week of August." However the guard did not report it until shortly
before Sept. 8 "for fear of harassment." The second landing, Aug. 8-9,
has been discussed. The third landing was reported by a New Mexico
State Patrolman who "sighted an aerial object land in the Manzano's
(sic) between Belen and Albuquerque N.M." during the night of Aug. 10,
l98O. This landing apparently occurred roughly south or
south-southwest of the site of the Aug.8-9 landing described above.
Finally, Source A reports that Major Edwards "advised on Aug. 22
(that) three other security policemen observed the same phenomena
described by the first three. Again the object landed in Coyote
Canyon. They did not see the object take off."
Thus it appears that four landings occurred at or near Kirtland
AFB during August, 1980: the first during the first week, the second
during the night of August 8-9, the third during the night of
August 10, and the fourth at some unspecified date presumably just
before Aug. 22. The remainder of this paper concentrates on my
investigation of the second Kirtland landing.
Part 2: How The Afosi Learned Of The Landings
Evidently the lone security policeman who witnessed the August 9
landing did not hesitate to report his sighting to Sandia Base
Security heaquarters. The sighting was during the early morning of
August 9, a Saturday, and that was the date of the guard's report to
Sandia Security. Sandia Security had to wait until Monday the 11th to
report the incident to the AFOSI agent. According to Source A (which
was written nearly a month after these events), "On 11 Aug 198O, Russ
Curtis, Sandia Security, advised that on 9 Aug 8O, a Sandia Security
Guard (who wishes his name not be divulged for fear of harassment)"
related the sighting described above. One might well pause at this
point and ask why Sandia security would report the sighting to the
AFOSI since UFO sightings are not of interest to the Air Force,
according to public statements. There are two answers to this
question, both of which are supplied by Source A. First, Source A
explicitly states that the Air Force investigates sightings over
Air Force bases. Secondly, and perhaps of more importance, is the
fact that the AFOSI is supposed to get all reports related to
incidents near nuclear devices. That nuclear devices were in the
vicinity of the "round disc shaped object" is definite since Source A
states "The two alarmed Structures located within the area contains
(sic) HQ CR 44 material." HQ CR 44 is "Headquarters Collection
Requirement #44 which implements DOD Directive 5210.41, "Security
Criteria and Standards for Protecting Nuclear Weapons." Although
CR 44 is primarily concerned with the possibilities for sabotage by
"persons not connected with the Department of Defense" and with
counterintelligence, it also states (para. 4.c.2) that local A.F.
base commanders responsible for safety and security of nuclear
weapons "are required to inform AFOSI of local incidents posing a
threat to the security of nuclear weapons." The local AFOSI office,
in turn, fowards copies of such information to a number of
AFOSI offices.
Although Source A does not specifically state that Doty
initiated a search for witnesses who could corroborate the single
guard's report, one can deduce that such a search was made from the
fact that the Manzano and Sandia security organizations interviewed
the Manzano guards. According to Russ Curtis, Sandia Security
interviewed the Sandia guards who were on duty that night and reported
the results to Doty (Sources D and E).
Reference A does not indicate when Major Edwards interviewed
the Manzano guards, but it does state that on Aug. 22 Edwards reported
the fourth landing (see discussion above) to Doty. Then, on Sept. 2,
Major Edwards provided the full details of the sighting by the group
of three guards who witnessed the second Kirtland Landing (Aug. 8-9).
During the spring of 1983 reporter Dan Spurling interviewed Edwards by
telephone. Edwards, who had been transferred to Hahn AFB in Germany,
said, "The best I can say is something happened which I could not
explain nor could I get any evidence of anything occurring at Manzano
or in the Coyote Canyon area from any other military source that
would have explained the situation and the happenings there. I really
can't say for sure what it was. All I can say is that there was
something that I guess matched a lot of the stories and reports of
UFO sightings. I could not explain it nor could I come up with any
reasonable explanation through any other source. "
According to Source A it was not until Sept. 8 that Doty learned
of the first Kirtland landing (see the discussion above). However,
Source A indicates that Doty learned of the third landing within a day
of its occurrence. According to Source A, referring to the patrolman's
sighting (see discussion above), "The patrolman reported the sighting
to the Kirtland AFB Command Post, who later referred the patrolman to
the AFOSI Dist 17. AFOSI Dist 17 advised the patrolman to make a
report through his own agency. On 11 Aug 80 the Kirtland Public
Information office advised the patrolman (that) the USAF no longer
investigates such sightings unless they occur on a USAF base." Thus
it appears that Doty learned of the patrolman's sighting on Aug. 11,
the same date that he learned of the Aug.8-9 sighting. During the
days or weeks following the landing Doty "Contacted all the
agencies who utilize the test range and it was learned (that) no
aerial tests are conducted in the Coyote Canyon area. Only ground
tests are conducted" (Source A).
On Sept. 8, the date on which Doty learned of the first Kirtland
landing, he wrote the 1 1/2 page report (Source A) and forwarded it to
HQ/AFOSI. He sent it to a particular division, HQ/IVOS, which is the
Security Projects Division, Counterintelligence Directorate, HQ/AFOSI.
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