UFO Landing Near Kirtland Air Force Base: Welcome to the Cosmic Watergate
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Part 3: What The AFOSI Agent Told Me
Although I had received a copy of Source A in 1983, it was not
until the early spring of 1984 that I was able to personally talk to
Doty about its accuracy. I wanted to find out if there was any further
information and, in particular, if an investigation had been carried
out. The implications of such an event seemed so important that I
couldn't imagine that the local AFOSI office, or Doty himself, would
simply file the information supplied by others without checking up on
it. I was at Kirtland Air Force Base attending a meeting so, during a
break in the meeting, I went to the AFOSI office and, quite
unannounced, confronted Doty at his office. I showed him the document
and said I would like to ask him some questions about it. He invited
me into his office and we talked; or, more accurately, I asked
questions and he gave brief answers to many of the questions and
refused to answer others.
The discussion (Source B) ranged over several topics besides the
Aug. 8-9 landing. For example, he said that the landing was only one
of a number of incidents in the area over the years, but he
wouldn't tell me about any of the others. In my previous studies of
early cases in the southwest I had run across the name Edward A. Doty,
who is mentioned in the final report an Project Twinkle. (Project
Twinkle had been set up in the late 1940's and early 1950"s to obtain
data an the green fireball phenomena and other objects that were seen
near military installations in the southwest.) In 1951 Edward Doty
was a Major and he was stationed at Holloman AFB, where he was
involved with the Project Twinkle investigations. I mentioned the
name Edward Doty and asked Richard if Edward was his father. Richard
confirmed that Edward was his father. (Note: I subsequently learned
that actually Edward Doty was not his father but another relative.)
He then told me that he had discussed UFO sightings with his father.
I also learned that Richard had been quite "famous" for a short period
of time after Source A was released because of the widespread media
interest. With regard to the Aug. 8-9 landing itself, one of the first
things Doty said was that he endorsed the accuracy of every statement
in Source A. I questioned him further on his endorsement and he
simply reiterated that "everything was correct to the best of his
knowledge" or words to that effect. This surprised me somewhat,
since the document really only quotes the statements of others, so
I asked him if he had confirmed the accuracy of the document by
talking to the witnesses and he said that he had. More explicity,
he said that he personally investigated the landing. I asked him if
he carried out a "good" investigation, i.e., by going to the
locations of the sightings with the witnesses, estimating angles,
sizes, directions of sighting lines, etc. I was particularly
interested in the landing itself and whether or not he had stood
where the guard had stood in order to estimate the size of the
object. He said that he had gone to the spot, but he would not give
me any details beyond what was in the document. He simply said that he
was sure that the guard saw what was reported, and again he endorsed
the accuracy of the document. Upon further questioning about his
investigation he told me that there was a larger report and that what
I had was only a preliminary report." I asked if he had a copy and he
said no, he hadn't retained a copy, but that he had sent all the
material to headquarters. It seemed strange to me that he wouldn't
keep a copy of whatever information he had an the sighting, but I
could see I would get nowhere by pressing him. He suggested that I
write to HQ/AFOSI for all releasable information. I asked him if the
report were classified and he said he couldn't comment on the
classification. I made the question a little less direct by asking
if he thought it might be compartmented and he sort of chuckled
and said that it probably was. What he didn't say, but what may be
inferred from his admission is that if it is compartmented, then the
report was classified Top Secret and only people with certain
clearances ("tickets" to a compartment) would have access to the
document. (Such documents are beyond the reach of the FOIPA under
ordinary circumstances.)
When I left Doty I was convinced that the previously released
document is accurate. I decided to do a little investigating on my
own. Although I didn't expect any further help from Doty, at least,
there was nothing in his attitude which made me suspect that I
would run into any interference from him. One further thing I had
learned from him was that I couldn't simply drive to the landing site
because it was inside a restricted area. This fact led me to the
first direct evidence of a "cover up."
Part 4: The Investigation Begins
Within the day after my first meeting with Doty I decided
to try to visit the landing site myself. Although the landing site
was in a restricted area, I thought that I could enter the area if I
had an escort or permission from Russ Curtis. Two days after my first
conversation with Doty I called him on the telephone to ask general
directions to the landing site. He sounded doubtful about the
possibility that I could get into the area to see it, but nevertheless
he told me it was about 5 miles east of the Manzano Storage area and,
more specifically, that the alarmed structure mentioned in the
document was the "furthest bunker to the left" along the road going
into the canyon (Source C). This seemed specific enough for me and I
went to the Sandia Base headquarters several hours later to ask Mr.
Curtis if I could go to the landing site. I showed Curtis the
document and mentioned that I investigated unusual events like this.
After a brief glance at the document Curtis responded by saying that
he couldn't let me into the restricted area to investigate an event
(i.e., the landing) that had never happened. This response surprised
me completely. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had said that he
wouldn't let me go to the landing site for security reasons, but his
denial of the information in Doty's report was something I hadn't
expected. I questioned him further and he continued to deny that any
Sandia guard had made such a report. He even went so far as to say
that the first he had heard of the event was when Doty gave him a
copy of the report (i.e., a copy of Source A). This statement was
ridiculous an the face of it because Curtis is identified in the
report as the source of information an the landing. Curtis stated
that he knew which guards had been in the area at the time and that he
had interviewed them after Doty had contacted him for information. He
further stated that all the guards denied seeing any such object and
that he gave written statements based on the interviews to Doty
(Source D). I left Curtis feeling that he was trying to cover up
something. (Note: After writing this I learned from Bill Moore that
he had talked to Curtis in 1982. At that time Curtis did not deny the
incident. but said, among other things, the "information of this
nature is not normally handled through this office." A report by
Moore on his interview of Curtis is presented in Appendix B.) I
immediately went back to Doty's office and said "I've got a bone to
pick with you. Curtis has denied the document." Doty looked
surprised and said that he didn't know what Curtis' orders were with
regard to talking about the landing, but that Curtis certainly knew
about it. He pointed put that the guard was guaranteed anonymity
and then he reaffirmed his previous statement that the document was
accurate. He further stated that the guard had told him about what
happened and that there was a lot more he couldn't tell me. I
mentioned that Curtis had said he had given Doty copies of
interviews with the Sandia guards and Doty agreed, describing
them as a collection of two paragraph simple interviews.
Part 5: Freedom Of Information Act Requests
When I left Doty the second time I was convinced that there was
much more to the landing than was reported in the "preliminary
document" which had been released, and furthermore I was convinced
that Doty had investigated the sighting himself. Otherwise, how
could he be so sure of the accuracy of the document, even in the face
of Curtis' rejection of it? I was also convinced that he had filed a
much more detailed report. My problem was to get a copy of that
report. I therefore wrote my first FOIPA request fr information on
this matter (Feb. 20, 1984). In it I asked for a clean copy of the
already released landing document and then asked for "a
copy of the follow-on report filed by the AFOSI
agent, including copies of witness interviews and on-site
investigations as well as any conclusions regarding the nature of
the object/phenomenon." I asked the FOIPA officer (Noah Lawrence) to
forward my request to the office which possessed the follow-on
document if it weren't at HQ/AFOSI. I concluded my request with the
statement "In the event that the report has been treated as
compartmented information, please so indicate in your response." I
included this statement because Doty had suggested that it was
compartmented, in which case it wouldn't be released under the FOIPA.
However, I hoped that Lawrence might confirm the existence of the
document by stating its classification even if he wouldn't release
it. Lawrence responded (Feb. 29) to my FOIPA request by sending me
a clean copy of the released document, as I requested, plus several
documents relating to the investigation of Dr. Paul Bennewitz, a
scientist and entrepreneur who makes and sells certain types of test
instruments. Dr. Bennewitz had claimed that he had seen and
photographed strange aerial objects over the Manzano storage area,
that he had recorded electromagnetic signals from the Manzano/Coyote
Canyon areas, and that he even had evidence of contact with aliens
who were flying the objects. These documents concerning Bennewitz
were interesting because they indicated that the Air Force would
investigate a civilian who claimed to have information about flying
saucers. However, the information supplied by Bennewitz to the AFOSI
investigators was not directly related to the Kirtland Landing which
is the subject of this paper, so I will not discuss it further
after pointing out the following:
a) The subject title of the Bennewitz documents was the same as the
title of the landing document, "Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug-3 Sep 80
Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test
Range", even though the date of the first Bennewitz interview was
late October, 1980. Furthermore, Bennewitz did not specifically
report on events during August 1980. Nevertheless. the inclusion
of the Bennewitz material under the same heading suggests that the
AFOSI considered that Bennewitz's information had bearing on, or was
further confirmation of, UFO activity around Kirtland AFB in
August 1980.
b) The first AFOSI agent who was contacted was none other than Richard
Doty. He was contacted by Bennewitz "through Major Ernest E. Edwards",
the same man who had supplied Doty with the information that Manzano
guards had seen object landing in the Coyote Canyon area. Probably
Bennewitz, who claimed that there was a threat against the Manzano
area, first managed to reach Edwards and then Edwards, having already
made contact with Doty because of the earlier sightings, immediately
contacted Doty to inform him of the new information from Bennewitz.
(c) The date that Bennewitz contacted Doty was Oct. 24, 1980. On Oct.
26 Agent Doty and Jerry Miller visited Bennewitz. Miller, a former
investigator who supplied information to Project Blue Book, the only
publically-known Air Force UFO investigating agency (Blue Book ended
in 1969), is described as "one of the most knowledgeable and impartial
investigators of Aerial Objects in the southwest." According to the
first Bennewitz, document, which is dated Oct. 28, Bennewitz showed
some film of aerial objects flying over and around the Manzano
Weapons Storage Area and Coyote Canyon. According to the document,
Miller, after analyzing the data, concluded that the film clearly
shows some type of unidentified aerial objerts." The period of time
covered by the evidence provided by Bennewitz was 15 months. Thus it
is surprising that the title of the Bennewitz documents only referred
to the "alleged landings" of 8 Aug-3 Sep, a period of only one month
out of the fifteen covered by Bennewitz.
d) the AFOSI convened a second meeting with Bennewitz on 10 Nov 1980.
The meeting included a Brigadier General several Colonels, a Major,
an instrumentation specialist, and Dr. Lehman, the Director of the
Air Force Weapons Laboratory at Kirtland AFB. This sounds like a
"powerful" group to discuss a subject as officially uninteresting to
the USAF/AFOSI as UFO reports. The fact that all of this attention
was given to Bennewitz suggests that the events of August 1980 were
treated seriously and may even have "scared" the AFOSI.
Although the AFOSI may have treated the investigation seriously,
ultimately nothing came of the Bennewitz investigation, so far as I
could determine.
NOTE 2000: in the late 1980's Bill Moore stated that Bennewitz
had been the subject of a disinformation plan. Perhaps this was
because with his elecronic listening devices he had detected
classified radio signals emanating from Kirtland AFB,
signals which had nothing to do with UFOs but which were,
nevertheless, something that the Air Force wanted to keep secret.
At any rate the Bennewitz story is far more complicated than has
been indicated in this paper.)
Returning to the main subject of this paper, I found that the
clean copy of the landing document was interesting, even though it
revealed no new information about the events described in Part 1.
It was interesting because of the change in classification. The
originally "leaked" version was classified SECRET with the word
SECRET at the top of each page and at the bottom of the second page.
The bottom of the first page was stamped FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.
The clean copy released by Lawrence had no evidence of a SECRET stamp
although it did have the FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY stamp. I compared the
new, clean copy with the original copy of a copy and determined by
comparison of typed and handwritten letters and numbers that the word
SECRET must have been stamped onto copies of the original report, and
that the original report was only marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Thus
it appears that someone decided that the landing
document contained material that should be classified secret.
I wrote another letter (March 6) in which I thanked Mr. Lawrence
for the clean copy and then pointed out that he hadn't responded to
the second part of my original request, which was for the follow-on
document or "final report" of the landing incident. I also asked him
to define the terms DC II and HQ CR 44, which appear in the landing
document. Lawrence responded (March 14) saying "AFOSI is not
maintaining any additional information pertaining to the incident at
the Manzano Weapons Storage Area." He also gave definitions of the
terms I had mentioned: DC II stands for Defense Central Index of
Investigations and HQ CR 44 "is an abbreviation for Headquarters
Collection Requirement Number 44." Lawrence did not state the type of
information is requested (required) by CR 44. However, I obtained a
sanitized version of CR 44 and found that it outlines the types of
information that must be reported when any incident occurs in an
area where nuclear weapons are stored or otherwise used. HQ CR 44
has been further described in Part II of this paper. I wrote another
letter (March 24) in which I asked Lawrence to be specific as to
whether he meant that only HQ AFOSI had no further documents, or
whether he actually meant that no office of the AFOSI had further
information. In the event that no AFOSI office had the information,
I asked him to refer back to my original FOIPA request in which I
had asked for my letter to be forwarded to the office where the
final report resides. I then asked for the name of that
organization. I also asked for copies of all correspondence between
his office and other offices or organizations "which have been
generated by my request," for a statement of policy under which an
investigation of an event such as the landing incident would be
carried out, for a statement of policy regarding what is done
with reports of investigations of this nature, for definitions of the
abbreviations HQIVG, HQIVOS. and HQIVOSP which appear in the landing
and Bennewitz documents, and finally I asked for the clearance
level of the "Chief, Information Release Division"
(i.e., of Lawrence).
Lawrence responded (Apr. 6) that no AFOSI office had a follow-on
document or final report and that he was not aware of any reports
maintained by other government agencies. He also stated that there
was no correspondence with other offices of agencies that resulted
from my FOIPA request. With regard to the Air Force policy he claimed
that "AFOSI does not investigate alleged sightings of unidentified
flying objects." He further stated that "most AFOSI records, excluding
certain counterintelligence records are maintained for 15 years. The
file released to you on February 19, 1984 will be destroyed at the
end of 1995." He defined HQ IVO as the functional address indicator
(FAI) for Directorate of Counterintelligence, HQ AFOSI; HQ IVOS as the
FAI for the Security Projects Division, Counterintelligence
Directorate, HQ AFOSI; and HQ IVOSP as the FAI for the Security
Programs Branch, Security Projects Division, Counterintelligence
Directorate, HQ AFOSI. Finally he stated that all AFOSI personnel
have Top Secret clearances and ended his letter with the statement,
"We can be of no further assistance to you regarding this matter."
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